Command Family Medicine Clinic

I am now practicing at Command Family Medicine Clinic located at 3238 S. National Ave. in Springfield. It is a Direct Primary Care Clinic (DPC Clinic) where we practice medicine the way it used to be done. We are able to spend time with patients. We can often treat you without an appointment. At a DPC practice you pay a monthly fee which includes many services. Your cost for labs is dramatically lower and prescription costs are just over the wholesale price. What you are really paying for is easy access to me. You will be able to call, text, or email me and get a quick response. Regular office visits are 30 minutes and annual physicals are 1 hour. A DPC clinic does not deal with insurance. If you have a high deductible private insurance plan and are spending $1,000 every year, you might benefit from our type of clinic. A busy DPC physician has 700 patients compared to the normal insurance controlled primary care physician that has 2,000 or more patients. Visit our website by clicking on the link below and see if you would benefit by making the switch.

Command Family Medicine Clinic



Any opinions expressed in this presentation are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect the positions of any business or organization with which I am affiliated.

It is a sad commentary on our society that I have to make this disclaimer.